Tuesday, 10 April 2007

New Season

The new summer season is nearly upon us.  At our recent AGM, the membership rates for this year were agreed as Adults £65, Juniors £38, Family £140, Concessionary £45, Country £45 and Winter £30.  As before there is a £5 discount on these figures (£10 for families) if paid by 15th May.
The new summer club nights start on Monday 16th & Wednesday 18th April.  Junior coaching begins on Friday 20th April – See the juniors page for more details on times.

Monday, 9 April 2007


The web-site has been revamped slightly - The pages are now written entirely using CSS which should mean they are more consistent. There are still a few updates to make in the coming weeks (new pictures in the gallery for instance) but in the main the new site is up and running. If you spot any problems, let me know by adding a comment to the blog or use the Contact Us page.